Figure 3 Twin towers as they were being finished in 1971

(1971) Looking north at the WTC Towers as they near completion.

Page 5 of Dr Judy Wood’s book explains Newton’s first law. The forces supporting the column will be equal to the impacting forces, up until the moment the column fails. Dr Judy Wood explaining the official story says that the collapse was caused by gravity and that the momentum of the collapsing floors gained speed and energy that wouldn’t have dissipated until hitting bedrock.    Dr Judy Wood says that if that had been the case, the WTC bathtub , which holds back the Hudson River, would have been completely crushed.  The NYC underground subway system and a very large part of Manhattan would have been devastated by flooding from the water rushing in. – This did not happen.

The question is: Why Did It Not Happen?

Figure 4 Then the Twin Towers were gone along with 5 other buildings either gone or damaged immensely

Dr Judy Wood Book :Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 Page 62

Figure 4.1 Zoomed In – Then the Twin Towers were gone along with 5 other buildings either gone or damaged immensely

Dr Judy Wood Book :Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 Page 202

Figure 5 strange broken double planed windows

Dr Judy Wood Book :Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 Page 63

Dr Judy Wood says and I summarise “The seismic signals strength due to the “collapse” of the towers were not of any magnitude to even record an event to have ruptured a pipeline.”[1]

Dr Judy Wood says and I summarise The official investigation of WTC7 it was determined that pipeline under the WTC complex and entering WTC7 would not have been ruptured because the “collapse” of WTC1 and WTC2 were not significant seismic events.[2]

Over one million tons of concrete, steel and other materials “collapse” did not create seismic events to rupture a pipeline?

For seismic precise data and comparison to other earthquakes in the New York area the reader is encourage to refer to pages 64 to 88 of Dr Judy Wood’s book – Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 or her website

Dr Judy Wood points out that WTC1 and WTC2 composed weight of one million tons.

This is 500,000 tons each.  There should have been rubble equivalent to 50,000 time 10 ton trucks for each building – falling in 8-10 seconds as described in the diagram in Dr Judy Wood’s book.  And shown later in this book.

Where did the rubble instantly go?

In the following picture Dr Judy Wood notes that the debris of dust and paper did not make a thud as it settled onto the ground.

Figure 6 only mostly dust and paper was left from the twin towers.

Note: How fine the dust is in the picture.                   

What could make concrete and steel among other items turn into such fine dust in 8-10 second and yet leave paper undamaged?

Dr Judy Wood Book :Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 Page 70

Andrew Johnson has a website and a facebook page the next two figures 6.1 and 6.2 are from Andrew Johnson’s facebook page titled 9/11 Forensic Evidence Study Group.

Links are below for Andrew Johnson’s Website and Facebook page.

Facebook page:

Website Site:

Andrew Johnson has written two books about 9/11 which are (mostly about the cover up and suppression of Dr Wood’s research) and they are free in electronic form. Links are below.

Book one:

Book Two:

Figure 6.1 Evan Denton Post re Dust particles on 9/11 Forensic Evidence Study Group facebook page

Figure 6.2 Chart showing the dust from 9/11 was smaller than the blood cells in your body

As shown in the previous Figure 6.2 the dust from 9/11 was smaller than the blood cells in a human being and therefore it is alleged that when breathed in via the lungs the dust could have entered the blood stream almost instantly. Could the savage kings alive at the time of 9/11 and today be that savage and evil?

Figure 7 Showing how Seismic waves work
When WTC 2 was demolished, the vibrations lasted only about 8 seconds but for a 110 storey building to fall to the ground Dr Judy says that a golf ball dropped from 110 stories would take 9.22 seconds or more in freefall without taking into account any wind resistance.
The towers that turned to dust seem to be missing the P and S waves of a normal earthquake.

Dr Judy Wood Book :Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 Page 71

In the last figure, figure 7 describes the various waveforms involved in earthquakes.

Magnitude: Magnitude is a measure of the amount of energy released during an earthquake. All magnitude scales are calibrated to the original magnitude scale defined by Richter.

P wave: Also called primary, longitudinal, irrotational, push, pressure, dilatational, compressional, or push-pull wave.  P waves are the fastest body waves and arrive at stations before the S waves, or secondary waves. Their velocity in the crust varies between 5.0 and 7.0km/s. The waves carry energy thought the Earth as longitudinal waves, moving particles in the same line as the direction of the wave. P waves can travel through all layers of the Earth. P waves are generally felt by humans as a bang or thumps.

S wave: Also called shear, secondary, rotational, tangential, equivoluminal, distortional, transverse, or shake wave. These waves carry energy through the Earth in very complex patterns of transverse or shake wave. These waves move more slowly than P waves, but in an earthquake they are usually bigger. S waves cannot travel through fluids, such as air, water or molten rock.

Surface wave: Waves that move along the surface of the Earth, Rayleigh and Love waves are surface waves.

Dr Judy Wood says in 2012 conference video “Emergency Medical Technical Michael Ober does not understand why he cannot remember the sound of a building hitting the ground”.[1]

I don’t remember the sound of the building hitting the ground. Somebody told me that it was measured on the Richter scale, I don’t know how true that is. If the building is hitting the ground that hard, how do I not remember the sound of it? [emphasis added].

Dr Judy Wood continues “This is a significant statement.  Each of the WTC towers was 500,000 tons, or the equivalent of 50,000 full ten-ton dump trucks. If 50,000 full dump trucks crashed to the ground, some dropping from over ¼ of a mile above the earth, certainly there would be a very loud crashing sound that would shake the ground.”

End quotes.

When a truck passes you as you walk along the road, the truck makes a lot of noise and shakes the ground, therefore I ask the question why didn’t 50,000 ten-ton trucks make the ground shake or make a lot more noise that what was made?

The Reader is encourage to refer back to Dr Judy Wood’s book for complete information and comparison to the organised collapse of the Kingdrome and normal earthquakes.

Figure 8 Seattle Kingdome inside and out

A large building which was demolished on March 26th 2000.

The Maximum Richter scale readings of 2.3 and 2.1 for the Twin Towers were not greater than the demolition of the Seattle Kingdome which had a 2.3 Richter scale reading. 

Yet the Twin Towers had as much as 30 times more potential energy of the Kingdome.

Dr Judy Wood Book :Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 Page 73

Figure 9 WTC Precinct buildings compared to Seattle Kingdome

Dr Judy Wood Book :Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 Page 75

Dr Judy Wood writes and I summarise “The Kingdome was built on a soft soil basin while the towers were built directly onto bedrock. Each tower’s “collapse” should haver registered nearly 3.5  on the Richter scale, given that the magnitude of potential energy and dimensions.”[1]

Dr Judy Wood continues and I summarise “Amazingly, however, the south tower reading of 2.1 was lower than the Kingdome’s 2.3 despite the tower having 30 times the potential energy and being anchored in bedrock. The difference between these Richter readings implies that the Tower had only 60% of the potential energy of the Kingdome instead of the real range of 3,000%.”[2]

Readers are encouraged to read and compare the spreadsheet of data on page 76 of Dr Judy Wood’s book.

The next point is mentioned in the Bible. Dr Judy Wood says in the 2012 Energy breakthough conference[3]  “Dust choked downtown for nearly 20 minutes, blocking out the sun and leaving a layer of film on cars, streets and storefronts. The dust cloud reached nearly as high as the top of the Bank of America Tower and drifted northwest about a speed of eight miles per hour.”

Daniel 2:35

35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were broken to pieces at the same time and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer.

The Twin Towers and damage to the other towers including Tower 7 were turned to like chaff – were turned to dust.

Chaff in the dictionary means:[4]

worthless matter; refuse.The savage kings thought the people who were killed and the people affected and the towers or buildings and cars to be worthless matter – just a bit of refuse.

Figure 10 height comparison and seismic comparisons

[1]In summary a seismographic chart Dr Judy Wood writes similar to that describing the Kingdome demolition would be impossible if the twin towers had been destroyed by conventional means from the bottom up, since their far greater weight would have slammed into a far smaller chunk of land and would have shaken the ground much more severely than the Kingdome did.

Each tower’s “collapse” should have registered at least 4 on the Richter scale, given two orders of magnitude difference between the twin towers and Kingdome dimensions. We conclude Dr Judy Wood says that the apparent fact that the Richter reading were strong enough to destroy the towers under then known conventional means.  A new technology of massive destruction was being “showcased” if you will.

Dr Judy reviews spatter damage height on adjacent buildings[2]

We must ask whether splatter damage to adjacent buildings is consistent with projectiles of concrete-chunks and other debris being hurled against them as each tower undergoes a “controlled demolition”.

Figure 11 Buildings before 9/11 as the picture shows they are close together not miles apart – therefore potential large amount of splatter damage may be expected

Dr Judy Wood Book :Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 Page 89

Figure 12 Looking at a, b and c pictures there is little damage onto  adjacent buildings to WTC7

Dr Judy Wood Book :Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 Page 89

Figure 13 WTC7 has “disappeared” or turned to dust for the most part into its own footprint

The Red arrow corresponds with the same location in figure 84 of Dr Judy Wood’s book and figure 12 of this book.

Figure 14 Bathtub that the Towers were built in

Dr Judy Wood notes “clearly the bathtub survived.” Notice the parking lot under WTC6 also survived this view is from the foot print of WTC 1 or Tower One The Towers were built inside of a “bathtub” inside the Hudson river.  If the bathtub was damage Manhatton would have been flooded

Dr Judy Wood Book :Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 Page 91

[1] Dr Judy Wood Book :Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 Page 81

[2] Dr Judy Wood Book :Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 Page 82

[1] Dr Judy Wood Book :Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 Page 73

[2] Dr Judy Wood Book :Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 Page 75

[3] 2012 Breakthrough energy conference Dr Judy Wood’s presentation – Where did the towers go?


[1] 2012 Energy breakthrough conference Dr Judy Wood presentation – Where did the towers go?

[1] Dr Judy Wood Book: Where did the Towers go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 page 63

[2] Ibid

Padre Reverend Dr Graham J Whelan OAM