Looking at what Dr Judy Wood calls “dustification” we can see that this happened in New York, in Californian and Australian fires, (other countries we are not investigating due to space) we see the molecular bonds of all substances being separated.Figure 30 Twin Towers – Dr Judy Wood

Only one filing cabinet was found!  The paper didn’t burn. The desks didn’t burn. The plastic didn’t melt, the glass didn’t melt or maybe it did, the steel and concrete didn’t melt however almost no office or computer equipment was found even from the floors that were filled with computer servers. Most turned to dust in mid air – yes!, in mid air, while the items were falling!

Figure 31 To dust or chaff as the Holy Bible says in the Book of Daniel 2:35

Daniel 2:35

35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were broken to pieces at the same time and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer.

Dr Judy Wood Book :Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 Inside Cover

Lets have a look at a series of photos and see a multi-tonne massive steel and concrete piece of one of the towers turns into dust while in mid air.

Do you know of anything that can turn steel and concrete in mid air? If not keep reading because you will see the machine that is capable of doing just that.

In the following picture Dr Judy Wood Twin Tower building 4[1] shows that building four just went missing, nothing left. It was a 9-story building and it was in front of the remaining building of the one closest to you in the picture. It just disappeared with very little or no debris.

Figure 32 Dr Judy Wood Twin Tower building 4

Let’s now see if we can find how this massive block of steel and concrete could disappear into dust while it is falling some 100 storeys approximately.

Figure 33 shows the buildings[1] that disappeared.

Let’s list them and the number of storeys.


  1. WTC 1 – 110 stories
  2. WTC 2 – 110 stories
  3. WTC 3 – 22 stories
  4. WTC 4 – 9 stories
  5. WTC 5 – 9 stories
  6. WTC 6 – 8 stores
  7. WTC 7 – 47 stores

This does not include a building that had to be dismantled manually later, which was the Bankers Trust building. It took 10 years to dismantle the Bankers Trust building.

7 buildings (110+110+22+9+9+8+47) = 315 stories of buildings for the most part just disappeared in less than 10 seconds. They disappeared slightly more quickly than the speed of gravity would have them fall to the ground, and that is the point that most of the 1.2 million tonnes did not hit the ground.  Every building with a WTC prefix was destroyed that day.

Where did the 315 stories of material (steel, concrete, wood, wire, people and other materials) go?

Why was it important that the 1.2 million tonnes did not crash to the ground?

How was this feat of destructive technology achieved?

What was this technology?

Why is this technology used for evil and not good?

Why is this technology used for profit and not for the people?

Overhead image shows all sorts of holes where these buildings once stood.Figure 34 Dr Judy Wood Twin Towers showing the hole spots left in the buildings

How were these holes and other holes made?

Figure 35 Dr Judy Wood WTC 1 aftermath before clean up[1]

Notice in the picture below that after millions of tons of debris had crashed down, the ambulance has not been crushed or damaged, apart from very slight damage to the front door. Another proof – the majority of the buildings did not hit the ground.

Figure 36 Dr Judy Wood showing firefighters 1 story below ground after the twin towers fell.

As you can see and Dr Judy Wood shows, the damage is minimal compared with if the buildings above would have actually hit the ground and crashed through as they (it) should have done. Some kind of “New Technology” had not been used.

Loading docks under buildings WTC 4 and WTC 5. Notice no damage….

Figure 37 WTC 4&5 loading docks undamaged and lights still on, picture immediately after the disappearance of the towers above[1]

Empty parking garage.

There is an echo from the search crews the day after 911 illustrating via sound that the millions of tons of debris did not crash to the ground and did not smash into the lower levels, it was for the most part just dust above ground or not there anymore.

Please watch Miracle of Stairway B – BBC 911 documentary

Dustification of buildings

Dr Judy Wood explains the dust is opaque – its black – its very thick dust not floors of buildings falling but dust of the buildings which are coming apart. The buildings are turning to dust as they fell.

Figure 38 Buildings Opaque Dust[1]

Bombs go boom but not everything that goes boom is a bomb Dr Judy Wood says.

Dr Judy Wood shows areas of dustification. Please see video this link takes you to the beginning of Dr Judy Wood’s demonstration of the buildings turning to dust. https://youtu.be/vadSaWyiozg  it starts at 46.08 of her main video.

Tower one coming apart, and follow a huge slab turn to dust with dust trailing behind it in the following series of pictures.

Figure 39 of Tower One turning to dust[1].

Figure 40 of Tower 1 turning to dust – huge block circled that will turn to dust[1]

Figure 41 0f Tower 1 turning to dust – huge block circled that will turn to dust[1]

Figure 42 of Tower 1 turning to dust – huge block circled that will turn to dust. – See the dust trailing behind it as it falls and turns to dust

As Dr Judy Wood says “you can see the dust trailing behind it” as it turns from solid steel and concrete to dust.

Figure 43 of Tower 1 turning to dust – huge block circled that will turn to dust.

[1] https://youtu.be/vadSaWyiozg Dr Judy Wood Breakthrough Energy Conference 2012

Remember this was solid steel and concrete and it is turning to dust faster than the rate of gravity, it turns to dust in less than 9.5 seconds. Dr Judy Wood states the tower fell in just over 8 seconds.

Almost all gone.

Figure 45 of Tower 1 turning to dust – huge block not circled that is now almost turn to dust, in just those couple of video frames.

What can do this to steel and concrete and other materials?

What technology is being used or demonstrated?

Why is it being used for evil and not for the good of the people?

If you look at the pictures yourself on other parts of the building, you can see the same happening to the whole building. Let’s look at other parts of the towers turning to dust, but before that happens let’s see how the building just “peels away as Dr Judy Wood says “like a banana”.Figure 46 Picture Core columns remind but then turns to dust

Figure 44 of Tower 1 turning to dust – huge block that has turn to dust.

Same picture but zoomed in – watch what happens to these core columns through the series of pictures following.

Figure 47 Core Columns 2

Figure 48 Core Columns 3

Figure 49 Core Columns 4

Figure 50 Core Columns 5

Figure 51 Core Columns 6 – And its gone – turned to dust

Figure 52 Core Columns 7 – reviewed

Figure 52 Core column just walks away “turns to dust” enlarged[1]

It has been shown in this chapter that the same technology that turned the WTC precinct into dust, is turning our homes and farm houses in what is called “Wild Fires” across the world into dust or chaff, yet they turn, as did the WTC precinct did, turn to dust in a very precise manner and with accuracy.

There are thousands of example pictures of the above on the internet.  A technology exists that the savage kings don’t want us to know they have, but one man who discovered it over 100 years ago did and he wanted the technology used for good. His name is Mr Nikola Tesla.  A chapter later in this book is dedicated to him.

[1] Dr Judy Wood Book :Where did the Towers Go? ISBN-13:978-0-615-41256-6 Page 133

[1]https://youtu.be/vadSaWyiozg Dr Judy Wood Breakthrough Energy Conference 2012

[1] https://youtu.be/vadSaWyiozg Dr Judy Wood Breakthrough Energy Conference 2012

[1] https://youtu.be/vadSaWyiozg Dr Judy Wood Breakthrough Energy Conference 2012

[1] https://youtu.be/vadSaWyiozg Dr Judy Wood Breakthrough Energy Conference 2012

[1] https://youtu.be/vadSaWyiozg Dr Judy Wood Breakthrough Energy Conference 2012

[1] https://youtu.be/vadSaWyiozg Dr Judy Wood Breakthrough Energy Conference 2012

[1] https://youtu.be/vadSaWyiozg Dr Judy Wood Breakthrough Energy Conference 2012

Padre Reverend Dr Graham J Whelan OAM