In our lives whenever we strive in faithfulness and obedience to God to be good, the devil is there to deceive and destroy.

I read with great interest The Christmas Editorial 2019[1] and totally agree and believe that the Queen, indeed the Crown in Parliament under God, was deceived in 1972 and 1993.  Not many subjects at those times, and today, seemed to care or truly understand the spiritual disobedience caused by the Heath Administration and John Major’s evil announcement in the House of Commons on 11 February 1993. I agree with the Editorial quote that: “Britain has been in a state of national unfaithfulness to its lawful husband – ‘the Queen-in-Parliament under God’. Treason by instalments…”

I wish to gratefully address this unfaithfulness in another context which in a sense parallels the Godless evil in Britain. This concerns the indifference to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia.  Australia a covenant nation!

Firstly, I am thankful and humbled that the covenant nations were able to share in my Christmas message ‘Remembering Jesus’ Birthday’.[2]  Further to those truths of Old Covenant Scripture I now share how the Lord Jesus in His earthly mission and ministry had similar sorrows, frustrations and distress by people who should have realised His Authority. His authority was ignored just as the Queen’s authority was being made subject to a foreign union through unrighteous actions.  The Apostle Paul recorded:

Romans 3.10-12

10 as it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one;

11 there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.

12 All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.”

Our Lord’s distress is clearly seen from Mark 2.1-3.6 where the conflict between the Lord and the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law began. In the truth of the healing of the man with the shrivelled hand they were waiting for Jesus to heal on the Sabbath (Mark 3.1-12). Jesus was Lord of the Sabbath but when he healed the man, they plotted to kill Him (Mark 3.6).

The Pharisees were not ‘seeing’ His deeds or ‘hearing’ His words. I believe that the House of Commons since 1972, until Boris Johnson’s re-election, did not spiritually see, hear or understand the position in which the Queen was placed in being subject to external foreign authority. Brexit will now occur.

I wish to comment on similar unfaithfulness in Australia – a covenant nation.

The leader, the Monarch, heeded the Words that God – the One True God of the Holy Bible – spoke through the prophets insomuch that it became established forever in the nation.

I am thankful to share some research by Richard Eason, BEc (Hons) jssc, on the principles of leadership and good government in our Westminster System[3].

“For over a thousand years the framework of the Coronation service has hardly changed, yet its details and central message are today kept well hidden from popular view. The service used for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth ll, for example, descends directly from the service by Archbishop Dunstan at the Coronation of King Edgar at Bath in 973AD.

This means that long before the advent of the Church of England as a denomination, and long before Henry Vlll, the Church in England had so inspired and elevated politics that the nation adopted this unique, indeed, sublime approach to Christian government and leadership. Its relevance still challenges us. Conceiving this enduring approach to Christian leadership and government is one of the most outstanding achievements in the history of the Church anywhere in the world. The Coronation service of itself cannot turn Monarchs or their advisers into perfect people, but it does reveal clearly the standard. And the standard for Australia is shown by the Coronation service to be nothing less than complete submission of our government, its institutions and leaders, to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His Word.”

I give thanks for antidisestablishmentarianism!

Eason continues: “Ungodly kings, corrupt judges, malevolent Ministers of the Crown and bad bureaucrats will be seen by the people for what they are. In the system of government that God has given us, with its strong emphasis on loyalty and servant-hood, the wicked have an Achilles heel: they can never fully implement their policies without grabbing for more power than is legitimately available to loyal servants.”

I simply want to add here that many Australian politicians are gradually changing our Federal Constitution by stealth.

It was called the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia – but now Australian Constitution. I also add that it is a disgrace that politicians push for a republic – after giving an oath or affirmation of allegiance to the Queen! Perhaps I am old fashioned but isn’t this actually treason? Demagogues and potential dictators are frustrated and even infuriated by our quaint ‘old fashioned’ loyalty to the Crown. I often smile, for example, as I hear a Prime Minister use the phrase ‘my Government’. Prime Ministers really do know better than to refer to the government as their own, but it frustrates some of them that Section 61 of our Constitution says: “The executive power (i.e. Government) of the Commonwealth is vested in the Queen…” and she says it is all subject to the Power and Empire of Christ!

Ambitious politicians and most of the power lusting media barons would love us to believe that the Prime Minister is the one who holds authority. But the Federal Constitution does not even mention either the Prime Minister or the Cabinet. No wonder humanists and ambitious unbelievers in the media and in politics have worked so hard to convince our people that our Monarchy is out of date, purely ceremonial and has no real power or authority. If that were true, why would they want to get rid of it?

Eason further notes: “We in Australia have the good fortune to remain under an authority clearly appointed, and anointed, by the Lord of Hosts. Far from giving offence to new settlers, the Monarchy is one of the clearest examples of the blessings of Abraham coming upon the gentiles (Galatians 3.14); a blessing to all the families of the earth (Genesis 12.3); and a signal example of Church revealing to the principalities and powers, the manifold wisdom of God (Ephesians 3.10-12). Most countries in today’s world, have rejected their God-appointed head and adopted some secular humanistic form of government. Having thus removed themselves from the Godly protection of Romans 13.1-4 they and their descendants have been plunged into humanistic darkness and subjected to succession of ungodly tyrants. Romans 3.10-12.” 

Our forefathers under Almighty God and with their loyalty, courage, sacrifice and endurance secured our freedom. May we be truly thankful for them and our Lord Jesus.

2 Timothy 4.1-5

1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge:

2 Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction.

3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

5 But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.

[1] Vol 4, No 12, 2019

[2] Ibid

[3] Australian Sovereignty and Unfaithful Governance. Rev Dr Graham Whelan OAM p58-62

Padre Reverend Dr Graham J Whelan OAM