Dr Judy Wood[1] gives a brilliant presentation on 911 – New York attack on the Twin Towers.  In her presentation there are many aspects that also are happening today in 2019 and the years between 2001 and 2019, we will refer to her presentation and draw comparisons a few times in this book.

Figure 15 Twin Towers before the attack.       

Twin Towers during the attack before they disappeared[1]

Figure 16 Towers on the morning of the attack as it was happening


Figure 17 Twin Towers after they disappeared or had been turned to mostly dust[1]

Remember there were allegedly four “plane” disasters that day and they were

  1. Two planes allegedly flew into the Twin Towers video evidence suggests that,
  2. Third plane allegedly flew into the Pentagon and;
  3. Fourth plane allegedly flew into the ground in a field in Pennsylvania.

Yet there was never any plane debris found at the Twin Towers, Pentagon and Pennsylvania sites according to the many pictures, video’s and eye witness accounts.

In addition there were seven towers destroy on 9/11 by these allegedly two planes and the Banker Trust building had to be dismantled also meaning 2 planes allegedly destroyed 8 towers and many other items including cars, fire trucks, buses but not the trees or the traffic lights close by.

Dr Judy Wood’s conclusions

As outlined in this chapter, which is a comparison (summary comparison of Dr Judy Woods’ book) of the controlled demolition of the Seattle Kingdome and the destruction of the WTC Towers reveals the following:

  1. The smaller footprints of the WT towers, plus their greater mass, as compared to the Seattle Kingdome, would result in a greater potential energy’
  2. This greater potential energy would in turn require a commensurately larger Richter scale signature of the WTC towers’ collapse, as compared to the Seattle Kingdome, although this was not evidenced by the actual seismic readings for the WTC towers’ destruction;
  3. The controlled demolition model further, does not account for the lack of projectile damage on adjacent buildings at levels higher than the 20th story of those buildings;
  4. The controlled demolition model does not account for the lack of significant damage to the bathtub beneath the WTC towers;
  5. The controlled demolition model does not account for the “dustification” of the concrete within the towers;
  6. It is also likely that if terrorists were responsible for the WTC tower’s destruction, a controlled demolition would have been designed to maximise collateral damage to adjacent buildings, rather than minimise it, as is the actual case;
  7. Based on the inadequacy of either model to explain the evidence we conclude that an unconventional method was deployed to destroy the WTC towers. The conclusion that an unconventional means was a directed energy technology of some sort will be discussed later in this book

[1] https://www.google.com/search?q=twin+towers&rlz=1C1GGRV_enAU751AU751&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwipgKOH1a7hAhWzW3wKHel1CcYQ_AUIDigB&biw=1280&bih=653

[1] https://www.google.com/search?q=twin+towers&rlz=1C1GGRV_enAU751AU751&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwipgKOH1a7hAhWzW3wKHel1CcYQ_AUIDigB&biw=1280&bih=653

[1] https://youtu.be/T1NbBxDGSkI Dr Judy Wood – Breakthrough Energy Conference Holland 2012

Padre Reverend Dr Graham J Whelan OAM