Joint Authors

Joint Authors

I Barry Gumm would like to say it has been a pure joy In God’s Service discussing and being with the Rev’d Dr Padre Graham J Whelan OAM whilst working on this book.

Dr Graham is a special Theologian indeed!  Credentialed by an outstanding Bible University in USA and Ordained a Minister in the Anglican Church who then realizing there was more to God and desiring to be taught[1] by God Himself through the Holy Spirit[2], asked to receive His Holy Spirit.  God being faithful filled Graham with the Holy Spirit as evidence by Graham being enabled to speak in tongues.

Not doing a lot with The Holy Spirit (Praying in the Holy Spirit – Praying in tongues), a couple of years later the Lord put myself in Graham’s path.  Then one day I said to Graham how much time do you spend praying in the Holy Spirit (Jude 20-21) i.e. Praying in the Holy Faith each day.  He replied 1-3 minutes if that. Why?, I asked. Well because I read he said.  I said yes but God the Holy Spirit wants a more personal relationship with you and you only get that by spending time praying in the Holy Faith – Praying in the Holy Spirit – Praying in Tongues.

Immediately Graham started to pray more and more.

It has now been 18 months since that conversation and Graham who is aged in his 70’s is praying one hour a day sometimes more in Holy Spirit Tongues of Fire each day.


He is loving it.  He continuously says to me “it is amazing, everything just seems to work out”.  I just smile, as I was blessed with a great spiritual teaching and over the years I prayed for Hours in the Holy Spirit, most often in my car as I would travel “in just my work car alone” some 65,000 Kilometers a year. At 110 km per hour that is 650 hours spent in the car – off course time-wise it was more as you’re not always going at 110km per hour.

Many times per month I was traveling 2-3 or more hours at a time to see a client in each direction a round time of 4-6 hours was very common for me. This is the life of a country sales person.  I note this was Paul’s life as he walked between towns making and selling tents to support his ministry. I can picture him with his companions just praying in tongues for hours on end as they walked between towns for he said in 1 Corinthians 14:18


I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you.


Paul understood that praying in tongues over time gives you great spiritual power in Jesus name.


Spending so much time alone with God the Father, Jesus the Son of God, and God the Holy Spirit by praying in the Holy Spirit in the car gave myself a very strong foundation of spiritual matters.  I was taught and am taught of God.

Yes I read and research but God does the teaching and leads me into all Truth through His Holy Spirit (John 14:26).

26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.


Today when the Word of God is being changed and watered down so quickly on the internet and in print, it is vital to listen to the spoken word of God.  Jesus came and taught and said the Father would send Him “the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name to teach us.  He does this most effectively when you praying in His Holy Spirit – praying in tongue.


John 4:24 KJV

24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.


Why worship God in the Spirit, i.e. praying in the Holy Faith of Speaking in Tongues? The answer to this question is in verse 23 of the same chapter.


John 4:23 KJV

3 But the hour ….., now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.



Because God the Father wants, seeks and desire’s, you to worship Him this way. Praying in the Holy Faith – Speaking in Tongues.

Pray in the Holy Spirit and just as I have found and a Theologian with a Ph.D with a Masters Degree also has found that, when you do – God works everything out in your life for your good.

Just trust Him and let Him prove Himself to you by receiving and Praying in Tongues – In the Holy Faith, given to you in Jesus Name by The Holy Spirit DIRECT from THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY Himself.


When you trust him like this your body becomes the Temple of God.  For Paul said in

1 Corinthians 6:19 NIV


19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?


Thank you The One True LORD GOD of the Holy Bible who proves Himself by signs following[3] and thank you Rev’d Dr Padre Graham J Whelan OAM for being a great friend and a trustful servant of Spiritual Matters[4] of The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.


Contact Details:


Rev’d Dr Padre Graham J Whelan OAM





Dr Barry Gumm – Pastor


Email: or


[1] John 6:45

[2] See Isaiah 28:8-12

[3] Mark 16:16-20

[4] I Corinthians 12:1 – Spiritual Gifts – True Translation is Spiritual Matters

Padre Reverend Dr Graham J Whelan OAM