When we think of communicable qualities we focus on His amazing love and grace which are infinite and clearly defined in Holy Scripture.

Incommunicable attributes or qualities basically is to do with the reality He is Omnipresent, that is, everywhere present.


When we think of immanent qualities, these are in God’s own nature. They are inherent and pervade the universe.

Emanent qualities proceed from God, they go out from Him and operate outside His Nature such as His Mercy.


God’s absolute qualities are in God alone such as His infinity.

His relative qualities are seen as manifested through His relationship to people and also inanimate objects. This is to do with His omnipresence and control over eternity.


This classification concerns God’s knowledge and power.

God’s moral qualities relates to his relationship with humanity as taught in all scripture concerning rightness (not righteousness) as opposed to wrongness, also holiness, love, mercy and faithfulness (not saving faith) but faith of the elect to meet specific needs (e.g. love, mercy in ministry). Faith here is a Spiritual gift from God. The action of being Spiritual and guided by His Holy Spirit.

Knowledge is God’s Omniscience, His power is His omnipotence and He is everywhere present – His omnipresence. These are defined later.

Padre Reverend Dr Graham J Whelan OAM