& Trumpets Series by Rev’d Dr Graham J Whelan OAM and Dr Barry D G Gumm

7 Trumpets in the Series of 7 Trumpets Sounding God’s Warnings.

It quickly became apparent that we could not fit all the different Technology the Apostle John was shown into one book and we would have to make the 7 Trumpets book into a Series of books starting with a general overview.


People have said to us no one on the internet and you tube et cetera have covered the Trumpets or the 7 Seals like you have.

It is true there is an enormous amount of information in the 7 Trumpets Sounding God’s Warnings – A General Overview book.

This book is in large print and is a generally easy read however you will be blown away with the information in it. click here to download the book “7 Trumpets Sounding God’s Warning – A General Overview” book.