In this chapter we will show you a generator that takes the “Resonance energy”. The same type of energy that with which  God created the Heavens and Earth (into or out of) that is all around us 24/7 – 365 days of the year and is ready to be used by all for all for free.  That is what God allowed.  The savage Kings don’t like this because they would not be able to charge for electricity.  Hence why they stopped Mr Nikola Tesla.  Some years later along comes Dr John Searl. He created a self powering generator.  It uses the free Resonance energy that God provided, runs at a cool heat not a hot heat, and can give you as much power as one needs and the rest of the power generated but not used goes back into the anther energy that is always present and anyone can use if they have the equipment to do so.

This chapter does not seek to explain the generator to you but rather show you that we have all been lied to by the savage kings for centuries and will continue to be lied to, and to be abused until our dying day or the until Lord Jesus returns.

For a visual representation of this generator which we have not been allowed to have for the people’s use, go to the following links;

Figure 148 book cover John R R Searl

Copy of a book about John R R Searl and the UFO which is by him and actually called Inverse Gravity Vehicle, can be found at the link below.

He called it the Inverse Gravity Vehicle because he was looking to use it for the good of the people, the savage kings use it for evil against the people.

The following pictures were taken from a video presentation that he gave. The video is called “The Searl IGV – Inverse Gravity Vehicle and can be found on youtube here  Pictures are taken from Demo 1 to Demo 9 and another video here

John Searl says “Four hundred scientists said this could not be done.” Searl proved them wrong and the BBC recorded every step of the work and made TV shows about the project.  BBC refused to replay the episodes previously shown and some people in the UK who remember the shows are concerned that the BBC refused to this day to reproduce the shows as a documentary. Most of the following pictures were taken by the BBC.

Figure 149 – Prototype 1 being built in its early stages

Due to the savage kings not wanting this information in the public arena the thousands of photographs and BBC video and film taken of these machines that John Searl made have been suppressed. Therefore the quality may not be the best. Nevertheless it was all documented.

Figure 150 – Prototype 1 being built in its early stages

The SEG generator runs along the inside of the outer rim of the Inverse Gravity Vehicle (see covered already in the photo above).

The SEG – IGV has a principle that not many people have heard of.  This is more evidence that the savage kings have been dumbing down the people for well over 100 years now and that is the “Law of Squares”.  The reader needs to do their own research on this LAW as is it outside the scope of this book.

Figure 151 Prototype double l being built in its early stages

Figure 152 Prototype double 1 being built in its early stages

The man kneeing on the right is Dr Cane from NASA – “NASA” acronyms can be (1) “never a straight answer” or (2) Not a space agency”.  He spent two weeks with Dr Searl. Searl says Dr Cane went over all the computations, everything in fine detail and wrote a report. He sent Dr Searl a copy of the report and Dr Sear said Dr Cane said “it was in his opinion everything was absolutely correct”.  Dr Searl said that Dr Cane told the media that prototype one would reach the moon in less than 9 hours (now remember this is a very smaller low powered prototype).

Japanese scientists also said it could reach the moon in 9 hours. Cane went on to say to all officials of NASA and Dr Searl quotes “ if we do not marry searl’s technology and it comes on the market then he (Dr Searl) will lead the market, because we don’t know how to do it.

Searl did not realise he had a wolf in sheep’s clothing or more bluntly a spy in his midst.

Little did Searl know that the USA in area 51 already had this machine as evidenced by the Roswell event some 20 years earlier. 

NASA today still operates on redundant technology while black funded projects are produced and hidden via area 51 and other secret bases and facilities world wide including the “newly formed” area 52 in the USA.

Little did Dr Searl realise he would never have his invention funded and never have a commercial airline – The savage kings could not allow it and Dr Cane’s report proved it.

Dr Searl died of old age never realising his dream of an airline that could go from London to New York in fifteen minutes.

Figure 153 Prototype number unknown but believed to be number 9 being built in its final stages.

Figure 154 Prototype double 1 being built in its early stages outer shell left off for the cameras to show the doubters that no battery was being used.  A battery to lift 12 ton off the ground in the 1960’s would have been an impossible feat.

Figure 155 Prototype  being built

Figure 156 Newspaper report

Figure 157 finished prototype

Figure 158 Prototype flying practice

Figure 159 Prototype flying practice

Figure 160 3 coils SEG drawing

Figure 161 Prototype being built

Figure 162 why SEG power is much better than conventional

Above are links to The RealVerbz and the TheRealVerbz2 video channels that have the most information about the Searl Effect Generator on them.

Figure 164 3 coil SEG for more power. You can have up to 5 coils and built much larger as well

The SEG can have 3 rings as shown illustrated or can have 5 or more depending on how much power is wanted to be used.  A 3 ring generator as shown would power a house or a car or motorbike without the outrageous  Lithium battery costs which the savage kings are forcing on us and the inefficient solar panels they are forcing upon us.

The device would involve a cost but after that the energy would be free.  Mr Nikola Tesla knew this and planned it on a massive scale. Now the savage kings will not let us have the technology because they could not meter our electricity and bill us for the energy used and un-used for which they charge.

This is the generator my team believe that powers the TR-3B, round disc vehicles and the RX machine shown in previous chapter.

It powered the device that Searl made – the flying saucer and was seen as early as 1948.

We believe it powers the TR-3B;

We believe it powers the RX – Typhoon Class FLYING DESTROYER that the savage kings have hidden very well indeed for at least two decades until the 8-9th of November 2018.  9/11 (in the year of 2001) but basically in reverse 11/8-9 (in the year of 2018).

My team believe it was one of the machines that destroyed the World Trade Centre on 9/11/2001.

What is the TR-3B? the B stands for black project. Some say it is nuclear powered but my team don’t believe that when we know they (the savage kings) have had this SEG type technology available to them for a long time including the 1948 Roswell incident.

Figure 165 TR-3B attacking Notre Dame

Figure 166 TR-3B attacking Notre Dame city’s web cam – then the smoke started as this machine cloaked and disappeared.

A very grateful thanks to Daniel Alexander Cannon – Logic before Authority – for making this and other video’s you may see on this site.

There is much information about UFO’s. They are not new and as previously shown were in the Bible.  It could be that what people call alien technology are ancestors from long ago and mankind’s technology today.

Nevertheless, God has put them on notice in the Book of Obadiah where He says:

Obadiah 1:3-4

3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rocks and make your home on the

heights, you who say to yourself, ‘Who can bring me down to the ground?’

4 Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down,” declares the Lord.

The savage kings may lead the “high life” and have all the niceties and privileges but God is going to bring them down and if possible using machines like the SEG to make bases among the stars. They will not escape judgement.

They will have the “high life” for this short lifetime – Then hell “for all eternity.”

Padre Reverend Dr Graham J Whelan OAM