Revelation 6.6
6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts (living creatures) say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
Key words:
Wheat | Barley | Penny |
Hurt | Oil | Wine |
Strong’s Concordance Ref: ‘Wheat’

Strong’s Concordance Ref: ‘Wheat’ 4621

Strong’s Concordance Ref: ‘Barley’

Strong’s Concordance Ref: ‘Barley’ 2915 – mentioned only once in the Bible.

Strong’s Concordance Ref: ‘Penny’

Strong’s Concordance Ref: ‘Penny’ 1220

Have you seen shrinkflation – the packets of goods get smaller but the price either staying the same or increasing?[1]
Have you seen rising costs in fuel including diesel for trucks?
Have you seen rising cost of transport in shipping?
Have you seen the cost of housing increasing quickly? In both the cost of the house or cost of rent?
Do you call this inflation or deflation?
The fact is that it is both and it is a built in product by the central banks from 1913 when the Gold standard was beginning to be removed which was then finalised in 1971 by President Nixon.[2] In a fiat money system, paper or coin/token money is built on trust and confidence is a system that can be easily manipulated by stealth.
A crypto money system is even worse. Central banks (privately owned banks) product of (Central Banks Digital Currencies) currently being developed are programmable (which may mean you never really know what is in your digital account/wallet and it can use a social credit system for payments and debits. Do the wrong thing online and you may debited an charge/fine almost instantly.
Back to inflation or deflation?
The two are different sides of the same coin. Like heads or tails. If inflation is heads, then tails you lose. Tails have been winning since 1913. Inflation goes up and the central banks, employers, both large and small and governments all win against you.
The following charts from the Federal Reserve (privately owned bank) of USA prove this fact.
Chart of your purchasing power from 1913 from the FRED

Chart of your purchasing power for the last five years from the FRED

Chart of your purchasing power for the last 12 months from the FRED. Only $0.035 cents of purchasing power left from its original purchasing power in 1913.

Does the same $20.00 note buy you the same amount of goods as it did five years ago or even one year ago?
GOLD example
In 1912 a $20.00 (USD) Gold certificate note could be changed at any bank for almost 1 ounce of Gold. Let us just say it was one ounce to make this an easy calculation.
1913 $20.00 equals 1 Ounce of Gold at any bank.
March 2022 1 Ounce of Gold (excluding premiums and postage and tax depending on what country you’re in) costs $2,000.00 (USD).
(2,020/20) = 101 minus 1 for the 1 ounce ($20.00 gold certificate currency) one may have owned in 1913.
In this basic calculation your purchasing power has lost 100 times its value. In 1912 there was no such things as Income tax. Add in income tax and thus do you think that you have possibly lost over 100 times purchasing power of your currency? What about VAT or GST and all the other taxes we pay today that were not paid in 1912.
There are many different ways to show you that you are now working for almost nothing compared to some one in 1912. Can you think of some?
Let’s assume your great grandparents were well paid in 1912 with $20.00 Gold Certificate. Let’s assume you were paid the same today?
That is one ounce of Gold for a weeks work. That would be $2020.00 USD. 52 weeks of the year (2020*52)= $105,040 (USD). Now add in tax, VAT or GST and other taxes and your base wage would increase dramatically because those debits against your wages were not in force or around in 1912.
Or if you times your yearly wage in gold of $105,040 (todays value of $20.00 or one ounce of gold) by 101 times how much would your real income be? Only $10,609,040 per annum.
Do you now see that the voice from the midst of the throne and the four living creatures with their eyes that see everything were and are warning or informing you of the alleged deceit and theft of the central bankers? Think about that, that you are allegedly being stolen from every single day and for all of your life!
Let’s say you only earnt half an ounce of gold a week in 1912. That is $50,520 per annum today. Or a quarter of a ounce of gold or $5.00 USD a week in 1912. That would equal $25,260 per annum in today’s wages.
While writing this book the Ukraine/Russian situation has risen. Not looking at all the view points of war except for the economical point. What we see on the news, peoples homes being destroyed. Many leave Ukraine with just their clothes on their back.
While in Russia we see the sanctions that the world many the NATO countries are placing on Russia are increasing the cost world wide. While inflation was already running high in many countries it is much worse as I am writing in March 2022.
In Russia we seen Russian banks devalue the Rubble currency by 50% over night. In other words if a loaf of bread cost $5.00 Rubble when you went to bed its is now $7.50. Multiply that out for a weeks shopping and if you have a family of four or five your weekly shopping bill just increased say from 300.00 per week to 450.00.
Internationally on the same subject the currency exchange markets marked the Rubble down to what the American’s call “penny on the dollar”. In other words it is almost worthless.
Jesus got angry! Who was he angry with. The currency exchange traders in the temple.
Matthew 21.12
12 Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all
who were buying and selling there. He overturned the
tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.
13 “It is written,” he said to them, “ ‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ a but you are making it a ‘den of robbers.’
The above has dealt with the first half of verse Revelation 6.6 from one or two points of view only it is a large subject alone and this subject could easily fill this book by itself.
Revelation 6.6
6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
Now I will show that this last sentence of this verse dealing with the “hurt not the oil and the wine” is a warning not of inflation or deflation but rather the destruction/changing of your body one member at a time or one cell at a time.
The Strong’s Concordance shows this quite clearly.
The word “Hurt”
Strong’s Concordance Ref: ‘Hurt’

Strong’s Concordance Ref: ‘Hurt’ 91

Do you know of anyone who has been physiologically hurt by the lockdowns or the vaccinations?
Do you know anyone who has committed suicide due to the mandated government restrictions or seen it on the news?
Has anyone lost their business or job unjustly?
Has the governments politician’s and Health ministers used the police or military to treat its people unjustly, for example, arresting an old couple just for sitting on a park bench or on the grass? This happened in Australia. I am sure there are many, many examples worldwide, the reader is encourage to research just a few.
The word “oil”
Strong’s Concordance Ref: ‘Oil’

Strong’s Concordance Ref: ‘Oil’ 1637

Notice the concordance of the Bible is indicating ‘hurt not the tree’. Is that the berry tree or the Human body tree?
[3]The human body is like a tree on the inside, each system branching into smaller and smaller vessels and spaces until every body cell is reached by blood, every part touched by a nerve, every cell breathing as it passes by the tiny alveoli in our lungs. Every organ and gland has similar branching networks which connects cells to ducts. Every part of the body is in connection with every other part, enabling it to fulfil its function for every cell. It is because we are human, made in God’s image and, packaged to move, that we don’t see all of our fractal branching, that our bodies appear to be smooth and rounded surfaces.
The John Hopkins centre has information on the muscular vascular system.[4]
Even during times of war, God warns the Israelites, “When in your war against a city you have to besiege it a long time in order to capture it, you must not destroy its trees…
Only trees that you know do not yield food may be destroyed” (Deuteronomy 20:19-20).
Do not destroy the trees!
Strong’s Concordance Ref: ‘Wine’

Strong’s Concordance Ref: ‘Wine’ 3631

Strong’s Concordance Ref: ‘Wine’ [3196]

From the midst of the Throne and the four living creature we are being warned do not hurt our bodies, our trees or any member thereof including allegedly being vaccinated with mRNA messengers to change our DNA or spike proteins.
“mRNA” is modified RNA
where as
“natural mRNA” is “messenger RNA”
The Tree of a hand

The Human Blood Vessel Tree

After reviewing that last two pictures of the Human Body ‘tree’ do you see any reason why you want to hurt your tree?
Do you think that mankind can make a better body than God has?
Do you think that mankind can make a better immune system or improve on your immune system that God?
Do you think that as in the days of Noah the devil is trying to destroy your mRNA messengers with modifiedRNA to destroy your DNA or change it and corrupt it?
To make it kill you or make your life a living “hell”?
Or possibly to grow babies to patent them for profit.
I am overwhelmed – is this next report true?
AI ‘Nanny’ Being Created By Chinese Scientists
To Grow Babies In Robot Wombs
By FRIDAY, FEB 04, 2022 – 09:40 PM
The artificial intelligence nanny has arrived. Robots and artificial intelligence (AI) may now be used in conjunction to optimize the generation of human life, marking a significant milestone in the science.

Robotics and artificial intelligence can now assist in the development of newborns via the use of algorithms and artificial wombs, which is eerily similar to what we see in the cult classic Movie, The Matrix.
According to the South China Morning Post, Chinese experts in Suzhou have pioneered the development of the latest technological breakthrough. However, there are concerns about the ethical implications of raising human beings in an artificial environment.
The discoveries were published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Biomedical Engineering[6] by Suzhou-based scientists. The AI nanny, according to the researchers, might aid in the growth of human kids in a “long-term embryo culture device.”
This artificial womb is a big machine containing compartments for individual fetuses. The infants will be fed as they would be in a real womb if they are in the chamber, which will be filled with an optimized mix of “nutritious fluids.”
In what seems sort of eugenics-y, a record of embryo health and “developmental potential” will be kept on file by the software over the duration of the embryo’s development.
It probably won’t happen any time soon..
At the moment, the new technology is being utilized to assist in the development of animal embryos that are developing into fetuses in the laboratory. This is due to the fact that the act of experimenting on human embryos older than two weeks is prohibited under international law.
Additionally, as the SMCP points out, surrogacy is prohibited in China. Because artificial wombs would effectively convert a hospital or laboratory into a mother under Chinese legislation, the technology is unlikely to be deployed in the area anytime soon.
Having said that, the development of artificial wombs is not a new concept. While this is not a new discovery, bringing the technology[7] into human mass production and mixing it with ranking AI[8] is, and it is a development that is quite dystopian sounding.
Of course, not everything is a hopeless dystopia..
Although the thought of artificially developing human infants is a far-fetched one, there are certain advantages to it. In the past, for example, the process of producing kids within people has been a lengthy, drawn-out, and unpleasant process, and this could potentially aid mothers who would like to have children, but are currently unable to, without having to use a human surrogate. After all, the population is about to start shrinking by the billions by the end of the century and fertility rates around the globe are collapsing at a frightening rate.
This seems like more of a “when” rather than an “if”..
When artificial human growth becomes available, it will enable couples who would otherwise be at danger during delivery to have children. Adoption is also an option for thousands of children currently in foster care who may be placed in permanent families.
Do think that now it has been allowed to be announce it maybe because it is already happening?
What is the name of the first book on nanotechnology?
In 1986, K. Eric Drexler published the first book on nanotechnology “Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology”, which led to the theory of “molecular engineering”[9]
We will touch on this area in the subject of the fourth horse and rider and the weapons of the four horses.
The questions above and many more questions can be asked, can you think of others? If so write them in the space below.
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